Case Management (Series 100)

Case Management
Policies & Procedures Series 100

101 Service Philosophy
102 Acceptance of Eligible Children & Families for Case Management
103 Case Assignment
104 Accessing Information from Child Protection Team
105 Case Supervision
106 Requirements for Response and Contact with Families
108 Individualized Case Plan
109 Documentation**
111 Standards for Case Manager Supervision
112 Case Management Emergency On-Call Response
113 Diligent Search
114 Reunification and Post Placement Supervision**
115 Concurrent Planning**
116 Permanency and Administrative Staffing, Changes in Legal case Plan Goal**
117 Termination of Parental Rights**
118 Expediting Permanency for Abandoned Infants
119 Case Termination and Transfer
121 Safety Planning
122 Guardians Ad Litem
123 Family Time
124 Rilya Wilson Act, Senate Bill 1318

125 Grandparents and Other Relatives Voice Act - Grandparents Right

126 Newborn or Other Expected Children in Households with Active Investigation or On-Going Services
127 Long Term Caregiver Adoption
128 Education for Children in Shelter Care
129 Prevention of Placement of Child Victims and Agressors Involved in Child on Child Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault, Seduction or Exploitation and Other High Risk Behaviors, in Substitute Care
130 Child Protection Team and the Sexual Abuse Treatment Program
131 Report and Services Involving Indian Children
132 Services to Refugee and Entrant Unaccompanied Minors
133 Special Needs and Accessibility
134 Incarcerated Parents
136 Legal Services
137 Emergency or Supplemental Funding through the Caregiver Support Program
138 Case Transfer Process
139 Out of County Services
140 Transfer of Jurisdiction between Circuits
141 Non-Judicial Services
142 Identification of Children
145 Homeschooling of Foster Children
146 Transition Planning for Children in Out of Home Care
147 Comfort Calls

**These policies conform to SB 664