Foster Parent Appreciation Month

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Please feel free to use any of the following posts and post text to help us raise awareness about our foster care community. We have left a spot on each post for you to add your own logo.

1 - Welcome to May

Welcome to May and to #nationalfostercaremonth? when we recognize local foster parents through a social thank- a-thon! Every other day this month, we'll highlight a different foster parent as a way of recognizing the work they do and to give thanks! We also want to take the opportunity to spread the word about our #25by2025 campaign to ADD 25 foster homes to the community by January. And guess what? There's something you can do to help us get there - you can share any posts you see this month that highlights foster care, especially our need for more homes. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

2 - Young Family

Thank you, Young Family! Your selflessness, dedication, and unconditional love make such a profound difference in the lives of vulnerable children. Foster parents are the unsung heroes of our communities, providing stability, support, and nurturing environments to children during some of the most challenging times of their lives. Your kindness and compassion inspire hope and create brighter futures for these precious souls. From late-night cuddles to endless encouragement, you go above and beyond every single day, making sacrifices and offering boundless love without expecting anything in return. Your generosity knows no bounds, and your impact resonates far beyond measure. On behalf of everyone touched by your kindness - the children, families, and our community of care - we extend our sincerest appreciation and admiration. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to making the world a better place, one child at a time. Your dedication doesn't go unnoticed, and your love truly changes lives. Today, and every day, we celebrate you, foster parents. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

3 - Foster Dads

Today, we want to shine a spotlight on the amazing foster dads out there who play such an integral role in the lives of children in need. From offering guidance to providing a shoulder to lean on, foster dads embody the true essence of strength, compassion, and unconditional love. These incredible individuals demonstrate every day that being a dad is not just about biology, but about the love, care, and support you provide to those who need it most. They create safe havens where children can thrive, grow, and ultimately, realize their full potential. To all the foster dads out there - whether you're just starting this incredible journey or have been at it for years - we want to express our deepest gratitude and admiration. Your selflessness, dedication, and unwavering love make a world of difference in the lives of countless children. Thank you for everything you do, foster dads. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

4 - Hamilton Family

The Hamilton Family was recognized last year for their part in helping a sibling group of seven children return home. They worked closely with the biological family and with two other foster families to make sure the children maintained their siblings' connections.

They met for birthday parties, outings to the park and eventually on reunification. It's one of our great success stories because it demonstrates the power of co-parenting to reduce trauma among children and to help mentor biological families for long-term success. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

5 - Siblings

In the world of foster care, few things are as crucial as keeping siblings together. Brothers and sisters share a bond that is truly unique and irreplaceable - it's a bond that provides comfort, support, and a sense of belonging, especially during times of uncertainty. When siblings enter the foster care system, they're often facing some of the most challenging moments of their lives. Amidst the chaos and upheaval, the presence of their brothers and sisters can be a source of stability and reassurance. To all our foster families who help keep siblings together, your community thanks you for your commitment. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

6 - Our Why

We became a foster family to help children along with their families in their greatest time of need. We want to create a place of normalcy where children feel safe and loved. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

7 - Foster Bonding

My favorite part of being a foster parent is the magic that happens when you're living the day to day with this child. I never thought that having a child in my house and that wasn't mine would be so easy to fall in love with. And I love how receptive every child I've had has been to being loved and respected and treated well. I love to see them heal and I love to see them grow as people and individuals and I love to see the bond that forms. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

8 - Carrie

I'm miss Carrie; I could have been in foster care because of my mother's mental illness and I believe that played a part in me having a passion for kids that have been removed from their moms. We made it though and so now I'm a foster parent bc I believe that's my passion. And I have a passion for siblings bc that's a double trauma - having to be removed from home and then from one another. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

9 - Filling a Need

We became foster parents because we knew there were children in need and were blessed enough to have the means to help. The best part is being a part of the kids' lives and seeing them continue to grow in spite of circumstances. We chose to foster teens because they need it most. Adolescence is tough and going through it without having someone n your corner is even tougher. We chose to foster sibling because families don't deserve to be torn apart, especially wen already being removed from home. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

10 - Fostering Siblings

I foster siblings. After everything they've endured and lost, they don't deserve to lose each other too. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

11 - Cathy

I'm Cathy, and my husband and I have fostered a lot of different ages, but we really enjoy the teens and preteens. A lot of these kids come in pretty stoic and it's so fun to teach them how to be kids. They've had to be the parents. The first time you hear them giggle because they just did their first egg hunt at 17 or going on a hayride and just doing the fun things they missed out on and giving them the freedom to just be a kid is so wonderful. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

12 - Teacher

I became a foster parent bc I'm a third grade teacher and I've taught all grades from k up to HS foster kids going into foster care so I saw what they were going through from their perspective. It's made me a better person, a better mom a better teacher. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

13 - Doing More

We became foster parents because we had space in our home and we knew we could be doing more with that space. We knew there were tons of kids who needed a safe space to be and we wanted to provide that to them. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

14 - Sibling Healing

I really feel it's important that families stay together as much as possible; having sib stay together would bring about a healthier healing during that time they're waiting to be reunified with their parents. That's why I foster siblings. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

15 - Transforming Lives

The best part of being a fp is getting to watch a life transformed. Babies who come in with a lot of med needs and from your care get to grow out of them to kids with learning needs never been diagnosed or just opening eyes to life experiences kids haven't had yet  - it's a gift to watch someone find out who they are and discover their value. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

16 - Mig

Mig was part of a group of foster parents who worked together to reunify seven brothers and sisters with their family. Each of the homes had different children, but the caregivers were determined to maintain the children's connections with one another. They arranged play dates, invited the other families to birthday parties and stayed in contact with the children's mother. The partnership made for a gentle transition both into and back out of the foster care community and is one of our greatest examples of co-parenting in foster care. #25by2025 #BeTheConnection #FosterParentAppreciationMonth

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